This page was inspired by someone who visited the site and made a throw away suggestion.
She said in a post in the Guestbook that she would like to know a bit more about the guy who put this site together.
I'm of course talking about Marina.
Marina's post got me to thinking about the Fans of Vin Diesel. I interact with a few at Vin Diesel Central, and have found every one of them to be incredible people with a wealth of information, good humour, and wisdom to share.
So, below are a collection of profiles, including a template you can copy into an e-mail and fill in. Just highlight the text, hit 'ctrl' and the 'c' key, then go to your e-mail and hit 'ctrl' and the 'v' key.
This section of the site also features artwork. If you'd like to send some in, then please do, I just ask one thing: don't send anything to me as an attachment. Not interested in starting a virus collection. ;-p
To send artwork, do the following. Scan it onto your computer and store it in your 'My Pictures' folder as found on most newer versions of Microsoft Windows. Then go and open your e-mail. It's easiest if you are using Outlook Express. Once in, go to create new mail, and on your status bar you'll see an 'Insert' option! Click on that, and somewhere in there will be 'Picture'. Clicking on that will open up a file browser where you can go to your pictures, chose the one you want to include, and when you click on it, it will appear wherever you want it to in your e-mail text.
Hope you enjoy this new addition to the site.
Here's to the fans!
Thanks for the idea, Marina.
Below is a collection of artwork by Vin Diesel fan David Guivant, he's a talented, professional artist who has been displaying his work on various sites for a couple of years now.
I first displayed some of Davids work in 2001, on a site I was running that I since closed down due to time constraints.
David has created a series of xXx Trading Cards, because he was disappointed none were made for the film. So instead of sit at home and whine, he actually did something about it.
All you need to do is cut and paste this to an e-mail, and answer the questions!
Please do not send ANY attachments. I won't open e-mails with an attached file. I'd really like to avoid getting a virus!
Thanks for taking part in this!
Name? (please don't include your last name)
Nickname? (If you don't have one, don't worry!)
Sex? (As in what gender are you, not your sexual preference, or how many times you like to have sex in a day! :-p)
Where do you live? (this is your home country, please don't put your address here)
Cultural Background?
Favourite Food?
Country you'd most like to visit?
If you could live anywhere else in the world, where would you live?
Favourite Film? (or films)
Favourite Television Show? (or shows)
Favourite Actor? (or actors)
Favourite Actress? (or actresses)
Favourite Music?
Favourite Thing? (the one possession you really love)
Person you admire most in the world?
If your house was on fire, what is the one thing you would rush through the flames to save?
Thing you like least in the world?
Favourite Quote?
What did you want to be when you grew up?
Your greatest passion? (something that you advocate for, or just really love)
If there was one thing in the world you could change, what would it be?
Anything else you'd like to say about anything? (you can write anything here. A political statement, something about your life, something about why you love Vin... anything, as long as it isn't rude or insulting to any particular race, religious view, culture, sexual preference, gender or individual person)
Anything you'd like to add? (do you have a website you want to promote? Is there any question I didn't ask that you would like to answer?)
I guess I should be the first one off the bat!
Name? Jarryd
Nickname? Don't really have one - that I care to repeat in polite company!
Age? 32
Sex? With a name like Jarryd, you'd wanna hope I'm a guy. And yes, I am!
Where do you live? Australia.
Cultural background? French, Swedish, Aborigine. The Aboriginal people are Australia's Native people - for those of you not up on Australian History.
So, I'm part black... but unfortunately without the tan.
Favourite Food? Anything Italian.
Country you'd most like to visit? I'd love to eat my way through Italy, but something tells me my waisteline would hate me afterwards. I'd love to visit the UK, Europe, Russia, and the Middle East - minus all the war.
If you could live anywhere else in the world, where would you live? Probably New York. I've had a love for, and facination with that city since I was a child. If not New York then London.
Favourite Film? Probably Star Wars, Moulin Rouge and Pitch Black. I saw My Life As A House recently and the film blew me away. Extraordinary. Now there is a quality movie brilliantly written, brilliantly acted, and sensitively directed.
Favourite Television Show? Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Sex in the City.
Favourite Actor? Vin Diesel, Ewan McGregor, Terence Stamp and Christian Bale.
Favourite Actress? Nicole Kidman, Cate Blanchet, Sandra Bulluck and Callista Flockhart.
Favourite Music? Everything from pop to industrial, alternative to heavy metal, with a splash of Classical thrown in for good measure.
Favourite Thing? My motorbike.
Person you admire the most in the world? His Holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet.
Occupation? I'm a writer - not that my story attests to that fact very well! I also copy edit for an established Australian author who has a number of books published on the New Age and the paranormal.
Hobbies? Motocross (motorbike riding in the mud), bushwalking, horseriding, movies and acting.
If your house was on fire, what is the one thing you would rush through the flames to save? My dog.
Thing you like least in the world? Banks. I really loathe Banks. We give them all our money, they charge us heaps for crappy service, and unless we're oozing money the interest we make back on our accounts is nothing. The world would be a happier place without Banks. Also not fond of oil tankers or holier than thou ex alcoholics who dodged their national service, ran a bunch of companies into the ground, and then became President of the most powerful nation on the planet by way of a Law Court Coup and employed a bunch of crackpots to help him drive a naton into the ground.
Favourite Quote? I'll get back to you on that. I do really like this one though, by Ghandi: "I too am willing to die for my cause, but there is no cause I willing to kill for."
What did you want to be when you grew up? An actor.
Your greatest passion? The environment, people and their rights as individuals, love, world peace. Fuck! I sound like a contestant for Miss America!!
If there was one thing in the world you could change, what would it be? There are so many. The death of my father. September 11, 2001 - Too much death, and too much hate and misunderstanding that has come from that horrible day. That'll do.
Is there anything else you'd like to say about anything? Not right now. I think I've shot off at the mouth enough!
Anything you'd like to add? How about... I obviously really like Vin... *laughs*
 Name: Anna Nickname: A.B. (my initials) or Anna Banana Age: 15 Sex: Female Where do you live? U.S.A Cultural Background? Caucasion Favorite Food? Pizza (plain) and Rocky Road Icecream Country you'd most like to visit? Europe If you could live anywhere else in the world where would you live? England Favorite Film? "Pitch Black" and "John Q" Favorite Television Show? "Fastlane", "Friends", and "The Brendan Leonard Show" Favorite Actor? Vin Diesel, Matthew Perry, Denzel Washington, and Eminem Favorite Actress? Sandra Bullock, Courtney Cox Arquette, and Rhiana Griffith (aka Jack/Jackie in "Pitch Black" Favorite Music? Rap, R&B, and some rock Favorite thing? This little clown that was my grandpa's he died in 97 we were close Person you admire most in the world? My mom she is soo amazing and she has done soo much for me. Occupation? Besides school nothing. I need to get a job to help save up for a car. I want a Jeep Wrangler Hobbies? Checking out guys, checking out guys, and did I mention CHECKING OUT GUYS lol...j/k I play sports like tennis, volleyball, football, and basketball. I rollerblade hang out with friends and just chill and listen to music or talk on the phone. If your house was on fire, what is the one thing you would rush through the flames to save? My two cats Thing you like least in the world? Melinda (this girl I can't stand) I mean I basically get along with everyone but she is hateful to me for no good reason. Favorite Quote? If its God's will it WILL happen What did (for me its do) you want to be when you grew up? A children's doctor Your greatest passion? I love kids (although I don't want any anytime soon) and animals. I want to have a daughter when I get married. If there was one thing in the world you could change, what would it be? I'd eliminate racism ...I can't stand it! Anything you'd like to add? I'm a huge fan of Vin Diesel's. I think he is an amazing actor. Plus I find him really sexy and the only guys in my sexy category is LL Cool J and him. He is so talented and his butt's not bad either ..hehe

Name? Michelle
Nickname? No current ones that I'd like to divulge!
Age? 27
Sex? Female
Where do you live? England
Cultural Background? British
Favourite Food? Salt n vinegar crisps
Country you'd most like to visit? There are two places I'd love to go - one is New Zealand and the other is Canada. They look so beautiful. .
If you could live anywhere else in the world, where would you live? Canada
Favourite Film? There are so many ... at the moment, xXx, Gone in 60 Seconds and The Fast and The Furious
Favourite Television Show? I really don't watch much TV, so I'd have to say Angel.
Favourite Actor? Vin Diesel, and Tim Curry - for his performance in Rocky Horror alone!
Favourite Actress? Sandra Bullock
Favourite Music? Depends what mood I'm in! It ranges from classical, pop, dance, rock, metal and trash!
Favourite Thing? My husband, although he's not a possession!
Person you admire most in the world? Peace workers, Louise L Hay and Heather Hewett
Occupation? Finance Officer
Hobbies? Films, reading, skiing, snowboarding, music and dancing!
If your house was on fire, what is the one thing you would rush through the flames to save? My two cats, one of whom is helping me write this!!
Thing you like least in the world? Disharmony, war and pain.
Favourite Quote? "What's an Elbereth?" It makes me laugh and cheers me up!
What did you want to be when you grew up? A vet
Your greatest passion? Helping animals.
If there was one thing in the world you could change, what would it be? I would want peace and harmony in the world. I would also like to change my relationship with my family.
Anything else you'd like to say about anything? I completely agree with Ewan. I admire Vin's determination and commitment to go after what he wanted, even after suffering so many set backs. He is an inspiration to us all.
Anything you'd like to add? This is the best Vin Diesel site I have been to. The most friendly and informative. It's also really nice to meet other Vin fans. Keep up the good work!!
 Name? Catheryn
Nickname? Cath
Age? 35
Sex? Female
Where do you live? The United Kingdom
Cultural Background? British and French.
Favourite Food? I love Indian.
Country you'd most like to visit? I've already visited it, but I desperately want to return. Australia.
If you could live anywhere else in the world, where would you live? Australia, in the southern states in particular where it is cooler. I was particularly fond of Melbourne and Sydney.
Favourite Film? Moulin Rouge, Pitch Black, The Lord of the Rings and Deep Impact.
Favourite Television Show? Star Trek The Next Generation, and Absolutely Fabulous.
Favourite Actor? Vin Diesel, Viggo Mortenson, Denzel Washington, George Clooney and Heath Ledger.
Favourite Actress? Without any doubt, Cate Blanchet.
Favourite Music? Pop and numbers from musicals, like Moulin Rouge, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, and Hair - to name a few.
Favourite Thing? Probably my diary.
Person you admire most in the world? Koffi Annan and Nelson Mandela.
Occupation? I'm a journalist.
Hobbies? Reading, writing, poetry, Horse Riding, Movies, girls nights out.
If your house was on fire, what is the one thing you would rush through the flames to save? Definately my dog and my cat.
Thing you like least in the world? War, and Greed and Banks!
Favourite Quote? Magic Happens.
What did you want to be when you grew up? I'm doing it. A journalist.
Your greatest passion? Animal Rights.
If there was one thing in the world you could change, what would it be? I agree with you, Jarryd. September 11. I don't like the way my country is changing, nor do I like the way the US has changed. I visit New York frequently, as well as other major US cities. In the beginning the change was positive - there was a great deal of humanitarian outpouring, and a great deal of helpfulness and love. Now, to me at least, it seems quite different. Almost haunted. It's very hard to describe. It's understandable, of course, but I don't think the feeling has arisen because of the World Trade Centre attack, but because of the social changes and legal changes that are happening. Of course, my observations may be wrong.
Anything else you'd like to say about anything? Yes. I really love this website. It has a warm feeling to it, and it seems as if the site designer is a genuine fan who very much admires his chosen subject matter. More than that though, it seems as if he has a definate respect for his fellow fan.
Anything you'd like to add? Do a little more with the site, Jarryd. I'd like an excuse to spend longer here. Thank you for this opportunity.
 Name? Ewan
Nickname? Choc
Age? 31
Sex? Male
Where do you live? United Kingdom - Wales
Cultural Background? African
Favourite Food? BBQ
Country you'd most like to visit? Africa
If you could live anywhere else in the world, where would you live? United Kingdom, maybe Italy
Favourite Film? Loved The Fast and the Furious
Favourite Television Show? Third Watch
Favourite Actor? Vin Diesel
Favourite Actress? Sandra Bullock
Favourite Music? Alternative
Favourite Thing? Freedom
Person you admire most in the world? The Dalai Lama and Martin Luther King Jnr
Occupation? Web Site Designer
Hobbies? Computers, cars, movies, hiking, archeology
If your house was on fire, what is the one thing you would rush through the flames to save? My computer
Thing you like least in the world? George Bush and Tony Blair
Favourite Quote? Don't have one!
What did you want to be when you grew up? Doctor
Your greatest passion? My family
If there was one thing in the world you could change, what would it be? I'd oust every politician in power, stick them in a prison for crimes against their people, and replace them with people who were willing to work at politics not for the money, but because they wanted to do right by the people. To make sure of the no money influence, I'd structure it so politicians weren't paid. It was all volunteer. There are probably huge faults there, but I really hate politicans, and they're followed very closely by banks.
Anything else you'd like to say about anything? I admire VIn because he went after what he wanted, and even though he got beat down, he kept coming back. The man has presence, and if he surrounds himself with good people, and have fans who love him for who he is, rather than what he looks like, he'll go far.
Anything you'd like to add? You've done a great job with this site.

Name? Tasha
Nickname? Tash
Age? 25
Sex? Female
Where do you live? United Kingdom - England
Cultural Background? British
Favourite Food? Icecream
Country you'd most like to visit? New Zealand. After seeing Lord of the Rings more times than I can count, I have to visit the country to see some of the breathtaking scenery in person...
If you could live anywhere else in the world, where would you live? Venice
Favourite Film? The Lord of the Rings, but out of Vin's, Pitch Black.
Favourite Television Show? Absolutely Fabulous
Favourite Actor? Elijah Wood! Vin comes in a very close second.
Favourite Actress? Dame Judi Dench
Favourite Music? Funk
Favourite Thing? Chocolate
Person you admire most in the world? Anyone who works for peace
Occupation? Film student
Hobbies? Who has the time? I guess cooking and home renovation!
If your house was on fire, what is the one thing you would rush through the flames to save? My CD Collection
Thing you like least in the world? George Bush and Tony Blair
Favourite Quote? Excess in Moderation
What did you want to be when you grew up? A vet! *laughs*
Your greatest passion? My work
If there was one thing in the world you could change, what would it be? The current American government.
Anything else you'd like to say about anything? I am really enjoying getting to know the fans of Vin through this section! Thank you.
Anything you'd like to add? Keep the updates regular! I'm an addict! :-)